I’m running Ubuntu Mate 17.10 with the mutiny layout and it works very well with one exception. I have been installed some applications via snaps such as corebird, gitter, and QOwnNotes. When I launched one of these, the icon representing the program in the dock is a simple generic icon. If I launch another app that was installed via snap, there is still only that same generic icon in the dock. However when I use alt+tab
to cycle through the open apps, I do see the right icons for each of the running snap apps. Is there a way for the dock to also show the correct program icons?
The MATE Dock has a few issues in the way it handles icons. The developer made some changes recently to use the same system as Unity and other docks, so maybe it handles Snap apps better. This update is not released yet, though, but the sources are on GitHub.
(If you want to test it, you’ll have to compile/install it yourself and properly, the generic installation instructions on GitHub are for the current stable version that doesn’t have the new system. If you’re not sure about compiling, better ask, and I’ll try to provide step-by-step instructions.)