My 16.04.1 screenshot

Hi there.
I installed ubuntu mate 16.04.1 two weeks ago and I think it's great.
I've used Compton, Plank, Conky (with and Pywu for the forecast info), Faenza ambiance icons and Ambiant mate Gtk theme. Font is Sansation.ttf.

Just to say hello to the community.


Hello! Really beautiful!! This is how my desktop looks :smiley: :

I use compiz and BlackMATE theme. My conky configuration is here: and the the script I execute to get my system info is named and it's here: Any chance that you share your conky configuration?

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Hi, nice screenshot, and thank you for your kind comments.

About sharing the conky configuration, I got to clean the file a little ( there are a lot of old commented lines that I got to erase…), and it’s friday. I expect to share it on monday.

By the way, I use 2 scripts with this conky:
It gives me the number of unread emails in my google account.
- Pywu:
It’s simple python script for fetching data from Weather Underground’s API that you can use with conky.

About the fonts:
- Metro.otf : for the words in the headers.
- Sansation.ttf: for the rest of the text.
Dingbats (fonts that only have symbols):
- Martin Vogel’s Symbols (MVSymbols.ttf).
- Poky (Poky.ttf).
- Meteocons (meteocons.otf) (for the forecast).

Hopefully the conkyrc file will be available next monday.

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Hi all.
As promised, here it is the conkyrc file.


Hope you find it useful.

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