My attempts at advocating Linux on the desktop

Interestingly, over the last year I’ve had a few opportunities to help some people out with computer problems. With the latest one, I installed UbuntuMATE as a second boot option and told him if he ever has problems with Windows 7 to boot into the UM install until he could get it to me to fix Windows. At this point I plan to ask anyone I help if they’d be okay trying that and if they agree it will be UbuntuMATE that I use from now on!

I’m sure others of you have read this article already but I’m going to post it for posterity… Secret to Desktop Linux Adoption by Matt Hartley at

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Sounds like a good idea. Great way to get them to stay in Mate…if they use it every time Windows has a problem, they should be using it about 80% of the time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My mother gets lost easily when taken out of her confort zone on a computer (understand: something else than the Windows Vista or 7 experience) so she does not use the laptop she bought lastly simply because it has Windows 8 (even though I tweaked it to get back the classic start menu)… Well I do not blame her too much because even for me Windows 8 is such a mess I do not understand anything about its logic if there is any.
As much as I love Ubuntu MATE for my own use, for these kind of Windows users, not very computer literate and highly resistant to change, I think Zorin OS is better suited to convert them smoothly to Linux.
But if your users are happy with Ubuntu MATE, by all means you did well!

@Spleenico You should try the interface switcher in MATE Tweak. I think the “Redmond with MATE Menu” might suit your mother :slight_smile:

I confess I haven’t tried 15.04 yet. If your guess is right for sure Ubuntu MATE will be my first choice!

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It’s also in 14.04, provided via updates :slight_smile: