Hello @friends here is my new theme.
Hope you people like it.
It has icon , border and control theme of mac aqua.
Also give me suggestions to improve it better.
Here is the another screen shot
Thank You
Hello @friends here is my new theme.
Hope you people like it.
It has icon , border and control theme of mac aqua.
Also give me suggestions to improve it better.
Here is the another screen shot
Thank You
Hi @piusbnsl,
I would use the Ubuntu Mate Main Menu rather than have the "Applications/Places/System" buttons on the bottom! (I just threw it on the panel for demonstration purposes!).
Actually I don’t like that panel. I have tried to remove it but couldn’t. I have another theme that would have looked awesome if i could remove that.
Btw I mostly use application manager (star icon) or synapse to run applications.
Thanks for your suggestion @wolfman.
Actually you can remove the lower panel. Start dconf-editor and go to org > mate > desktop >session > required-components
There is an option panel and it is set to mate-panel. Delete this by double-clicking on the option and remove it, so it is empty.
Now logout and login again. The panel is now removed and the rest should start up as normal
If you on a later date want to restore it. Just go to the same option and hightlight the same option and use the Set to Default button on the lower right.
You could make a little more like OS X with a few minor tweaks:
Move the bottom panel to the top.
Change the background colour to the same shade of white (#DEDEDE
Remove the “Applications, Places, System” and use the TopMenu Panel Applet instead (16.04 only). This moves the menu bar out of applications and places it at the top, the same as what OS X would do.
Change the GNOME footprint by adding/changing this file in your icon theme: