My Wife Bought a Book

Called "What I Ate for a Year", by Stanley Tucci.

I mean, was sharing photos of his meals on Facebook not good enough anymore? What was the inspiration behind this? Was he hanging around with some of his Hollywood Buddies drinking and someone said, "our fans will buy anything? Even a book on what we ate for a year!"

Seriously. WTH?



As I understand it, Stanley Tucci was a foodie long before he became an actor. He's had several food shows, written several books and gets high marks on Goodreads.

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You've spoken to my wife, I take it.


Yes, I know he is a bit of a foodie, but I was just laughing at the title of the book. It got me thinking about people posting images of their meals and other things no one else cares about, and I chuckled.

Frankly, I could care less what anyone ate everyday for a year.

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I agree with you, but be thankful your wife reads books. I am an avid reader, enjoy history and love reading books written in the 18th and 19th centuries from any country on Earth . What I see as the best literature.
I think in 19 years of marriage my wife has read only three books, all garbage romance types. Be glad she reads and doesn't just watch TV.

My wife reads all the time. She is sitting next to me on the couch reading right now. No romance novels either. :wink: