Need some advice on migrating an alacarte menu configuration

I am currently building an Ubuntu Mate Studio installation ISO. I am using the Ubuntu Customization Kit for this job. I initially stripped out the XFCE Desktop from the initial Ubuntu Studio ISO and then installed the Ubuntu Mate desktop. I have also installed some extra applications I think are useful. Finally, UnkleBonehead has generously produced and donated some bespoke wallpapers for the ISO.

I have got a working UM Studio ISO that installs and runs fine. However, I now need to tidy up the menu so that every program fits within the existing Ubuntu Mate menu structure instead of the original Ubuntu Studio XFCE menu structure. This is easy enough to do post-installation. But, I need the newly re-configured menu to be in place at installation. Bearing in mind the Ubuntu Customization Kit only works from a console, I am wondering if I can do something along the lines of the following:

  1. Install a VM UM Studio.

  2. Tidy up the main-menu in the VM.

  3. Copy the main-menu config file/s from the VM and paste them into a shared folder accessible by the host machine.

  4. Copy and paste the config files from the host folder to the relevant folder in the Ubuntu Customization kit, thus getting the correct menu structure into the ISO.

Or, do I need to do it completely differently?

All advice gratefully received.

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I have no experience with this but maybe @wimpy would know.