Nemo instead of Caja

Hello. I am new to the linux world.

I like Linux Mint Mate 22, but I would like to change Caja File Manager to Nemo (from Cinnamon 22).

I did some research, but I'd like to get some help, or confirmation rather. So here we go:

  • If I go (...):

"sudo apt update"
"sudo apt install nemo"

  • (...) and then:


  • (...) to change the Default File Manager to Nemo; will it work?

I want to use it mainly to jump between home and computer folders; not a big deal.

Thank You for your help, and answers.

You only mention liking Linux Mint Mate 22, but not which Ubuntu MATE release you're using?

What Ubuntu-MATE release are you using?

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This should do it:

Or the Debian approach offered here.

However, Wimpress has a strong opinion on that attempt:


I use Linux Mint Mate 22; I don't use Ubuntu-Mate. But there is nowhere else to ask.

Thank You for your answer. is the address of Linux Mint forums.

As Linux Mint has an extra software layer (runtime adjustments) that Ubuntu and flavors of Ubuntu like Ubuntu-MATE don't have, there maybe added complexities that could have unusual effects on your system.

Any advice on this, and other non-Linux Mint sites, may not consider the effect of runtime adjustments on your system (after all we don't keep up with them, as they differ between releases)


Thank You for your input.