Network Icon: shows WIFI animation instead of Ethernet animation

On another PC running Mate 20.04, the network animation shows a WIFI animation instead of an Ethernet animation. Personally I do not really care for this, but in the progress of making UM better it should be fixed imo.

How to reproduce:

  1. Disable WIFI
  2. Plug in an Ethernet cable.

You will see the animation is for WIFI, not Ethernet.

Now I would have uploaded an recording I made (70kb)
How do I attach files like e.g. a mkv or a zip ?

Hi back :slight_smile:

With theme are you using ? Show a screenshot :slight_smile:

I strongly think its related to your theme, but cannot try and confirm as i have only wireless card on my laptop.

Ambiant-MATE-Dark on Pantheon
I'll upload the .mkv :

Can you give a try with a other theme ?

Hi Guy,
You can follow this commands to reinstall network and indicators:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager network-manager-gnome indicator-applet indicator-network
Reboot and try if works. If not:
sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager stop
sudo rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager start


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Theme's with this issue:

the others are fine.

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Do somebody saw this issue before 20.04 ? Maybe we need to open a bug report.

Personally, this is not enough for my eyes to spot it and be disturbed with, but can be a nice improvement :slight_smile:
@Guy, you can report it as bug, to get it fixed in next releases :slight_smile:

Want to but cant :frowning: , github requires all kinds of obstacles to register when using an exit-node if you get my drift :wink:

You can report a bug for ubuntu mate here :
You need only the ubuntu account :slight_smile:

Issue reported:

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Thanks @Guy, thanks to you, it will be solved :slight_smile: