Network Manager bug

Yup, understood. Has the bug even been acknowledged by the dev’s here?

I have two main machines, and oddly, it only effects one, which is the one I did a clean install on. The other machine I upgraded from 14.04, and it doesn’t happen on that one.

Is the issue related to selecting “install updates with initial install”? If so, I’ll be sure to uncheck that on any future installs.

Probably the better question is “…by the devs at Canonical”, as this is an issue of the main Ubuntu 16.04 distribution that affects more or less all derived distros (like Ubuntu MATE 16.04, and apparently also Linux Mint 18).
I really hope they put some serious effort into fixing this, because for a supposedly stable LTS release this is quite the show-stopper.

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OK that makes sense. Thanks.

Quite disappointing on their part.

I’d need a specific bug report to understand what the issue is you’re having.

Hi Wimpy,

Still seeing same exact behaviour in my original bug report linked in this post.

Afterwards, others reported same issue in other bug reports, my bug report was marked as duplicate (not sure how something that came before, can be duplicate of something after? :slight_smile: Not to worry!). Became disheartened, seeing reports bug was fixed, people mentioned still having the same issue (this seemed to loop), bug still remains.

Would it be easier to fall-back to the previous network-manager version, seemed to function without issue providing correct wireless/Ethernet connection notification?

Thanks for your time.

In the meantime, the best workaround seems to be to restart network-manager. But since typing sudo systemctl restart network-manager.service over and over again is really annoying, I just made a simple alias for it, nmr. Then, to keep from having to enter my password each time, I added the following line to the sudoers file: %sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart network-manager.service

I’d like to make it even simpler and add an applet to the panel that I could just click on to run this routine, but I don’t know how to do that for a command that needs sudo.

EDIT: Making an applet is easier than I thought. Just do Add to Panel > Custom Application Launcher and select Application in Terminal under Type. The command should be the same as above: sudo restart network-manager.service. One click on the applet causes a terminal to blink on and off and then network manager restarts.

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This is driving me crazy also. I have the problem when I bootup or start from sleep. It is a problem upstream I believe. I don’t know if MATE has fixed it yet or not.

I can still connect to the internet(I have the Dell XPS 13 DE) but it doesn’t show up in nm-applet. I found that restarting nm-applet in the terminal works better than restarting network-manager.servie for these types of case. In terminal, I type:

killall nm-applet; nohup nohup nm-applet &

I spoke to the Ubuntu Desktop Team Manager last week, a fix is coming…


Are they also looking into fixing it for the Pi?

Thanks @Wimpy. Looking forward to not having to worry about this anymore.

Yes, it will be nice when this is fixed. Very annoying.

Is there a time frame on when it will be fixed? I run into this error almost every day still. I have updated and upgraded all software packages in 16.04 LTS and am running the PPA for MATE 1.14.1 and it still persists as of today.

Hi all,

try changing your software sources download location as I am not having this problem using "Main Server" for my downloads!, once changed, run updates again. If you are already using "Main Server", select a different location:

I’v done that with no change. This continues to be tracked on launchpad but with no clear end in site. Perhaps add a script in /etc/pm/sleep.d that restarts the connection in the mean time?

Sorry to keep spamming this discussion but has anyone used the daily PPA for network manager to solve this and is it recommended? This messes up my system almost every time I turn it on.

Hi CD,

I’m not using the network manager PPA and did have just a slight problem after my recent updates, I right clicked on the network icon in the panel and disconnected and then connected again and it worked fine!. :smiley:

I have tried that. The network manager seems shows two arrows going in opposite direction to show that there is a connection(although it doesn’t show the signal strength). I can’t actually view any of the networks though. You have to restart the network manager each time. It is the only serious bug that I keep having in Ubuntu MATE.

I looked at the PPA’s and the last major build of Network Manager was almost 180 weeks ago. I think it may be related to the applet itself.

I have the very same problem as you, @CrazyDesi, I think it starts manifesting when I loose the wifi signal for a while because the first time I acquire it after boot I get the correct wifi icon.
The other weird stuff is that I see no wifi network listed in the applet, while they were showing up after boot.

By the way people the correct bug to subscribe to is this one:

Hi chaps,

try the following terminal command (Ctrl + Alt + t) if it happens again and let me know if it works, as I also had a problem with my notebook yesterday!:

sudo service network-manager restart

Thanks Wolfman! - by far the best bandaid for the problem that I have come across in months of searching for a solution to this problem (both in Mint based on Trusty and Mint based on Xenial). The wifi has remained connected and the icon hasn’t gone wrong for over two hours now - close to a new record!

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