New icon theme for UM 18.04, like Suru for Ubuntu?

I request UM team to include new icon set in the upcoming 18.04 release. Since Ubuntu is shifting to the community based Suru icon set, will Ubuntu mate follow the same with green colouration?
That would be awesome!

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I’ve been using Suru for a few weeks and I think it fits in pretty well with the other defaults. I made two small tweaks:

  • I edited the Inherits= line to Ambiant-MATE in the index.theme file so the fallback icons are the default Ubuntu MATE ones, and
  • I removed four icons relating to window close/maximize/restore/minimize because they made the CSD window buttons look different from the non-CSD ones.

No, the folders aren’t green, but the colors all fit in since Suru is designed to fit in with Tango and Ubuntu colors.