New idea for helping UM team

Hey guys, I am a forum veteran but this is my first post on the Ubuntu MATE forum.
I love Ubuntu MATE and I had a interesting idea for helping the dev’s. That idea is taking a raspberry pi 3 and tell it to auto connect to wifi and seed ubuntu MATE so you could hide it at a mcdonald’s or starbucks or any other free wifi place and just leave it, maybe the case could be water proof? I am just thinking if it is worth it to drop $40-50 on a raspberry pi 3, sd card and case of some sort plus power supply. You guys tell me your ideas and explain your thoughts this.
Also I just wanted to say so far the forum is the best I have ever used other than reddit.

EDIT: Sorry I realise that this was not useful but I thought this board was for thoughts & feedback, not being super useful. I just had a cool idea and wanted to talk about it. You linux folks are more uptight and butthurt than I imagined. Sorry for ******* off the open source gods, this is a fun operating system, unlike this wack-ass community. Peace.

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Maybe I’m dense :frowning:
Please explain the purpose of the venture.

Nice idea @TenInTheHead but I don’t think it would be legal for one thing and I don’t think that anyone would be prepared to lash out the money on a box just to leave it somewhere!. :smiley:

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I do not see any help to this thread. Closed