New to Ubuntu and have questions

Hi everyone, so I am new to ubuntu mate and I happen to be completely blind, but I am not letting that stop me lol I would like to install this operating system on my raspberry pi but I have some questions. The first question is does anyone know where I can get the latest image for the raspberry pie all that seems to be available is 22.04 but it seems like there’s a version 24 that’s also available but I don’t see it on the download page for the pie. Also, when I install the operating system is there someone out there that can give me step-by-step instructions on how to get orca working if anyone can help with all of this, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.


Hi, @Brennen98 and welcome to the Ubuntu MATE Community!

All Ubuntu official images are found at Index of /ubuntu-mate which include all amd64 images for all releases (still supported by Ubuntu)

( FYI: I mentioned "still supported by Ubuntu" there as the Ubuntu Release team manage what is available, thus it includes releases that are still supported via ESM in Ubuntu, even if they're EOL or End of Life for the Ubuntu MATE team. )

The armhf or arm64 images offered by Ubuntu MATE were not official Ubuntu created images, being created by Ubuntu MATE team members and offered for download via the Ubuntu Mate website without having the download occur from the Ubuntu official site.

The last ARM created was the 22.04.5 you found on the website; as Ubuntu MATE members (volunteers!) haven't created later releases, and they weren't produced by the Ubuntu infrastructure as occurs with the amd64 ISOs.

Lack of resources (esp. volunteers offering to create, test etc) the raspberry pi images is the main reason later releases aren't available. Part of that was mitigated by projects like desktopify but resources available to keep maintaining that are problem too.

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So I don’t really understand this last message per se. The only thing that I really got from it is that the 22.4 is the last and only stable version that ubuntu supports but I did manage to get the 22.4 version working for a little bit with orca, but I’m not sure how I got orca to turn on but when I did, it kept acting like it needed to be upgraded or an update needed to be installed so I don’t understand if this is the only version that supported the 22.4 I don’t know why it’s asking me to upgrade to another version

Ubuntu has images for all releases, but those are provided in the form of Ubuntu Server, where if you want more you add the packages yourself. Ubuntu Desktop is also available; though in a more limited manner than Ubuntu Server, with Ubuntu Core likewise available.

When it comes to community flavors like Ubuntu-MATE, they're limited with what volunteers are available to create and test, with 22.04.5 being the last Ubuntu-MATE image for Pi; but that won't stop users from using a supported Ubuntu image for a later release, and adding the Ubuntu-MATE desktop & apps on those newer releases themselves. The desktopify may also be used to help this task, at least for ideas, as that project was discontinued.

I'm not familiar enough with orca so as to be able to offer any help there sorry.

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