New to Ubuntu MATE - What should I do after an install?

Hello dudes,

I am using Ubuntu since 2009 , I only used LTS versions of Ubuntu for my Personal/Work Laptop and abandoned Windows forever. The best Ubuntu I used is the Ubuntu that was shipped for free ( I Forgot it's version) then I used 14.04 and 16.04 and finally the 18.04 LTS. I had many troubles like freezing and broken files. As I mentioned the Best version was the first version which was shipped to my office. I think it was 10.04. Then my experience was not perfect for the following versions. I did a research on the web about other linux distros and ubuntu flavours. I don't know why I was attracted to MATE. To be honest what attracted me to MATE where visual things like the menu, the theme, and things like that.

Now I have decided to install MATE, I burned an Installation stick with 64 bit arch. And I am backing up my data to an external HD this moment, I searched the web about " Things to do after installing Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS, but I have found nothing about MATE itself , all the articles were about Ubuntu 18.04 LTS . So I joined your community and need to know the things that I have to do after installing to make the best experience and to avoid errors and bugs and to feel home. Again I use it for my work since 2009 and I am not an expert or core linux user .

I need your advice and things to keep in mind and some hardening guides and steps to do after installation.

your replies are appreciated an I am waiting because I need to start installing.

Thank you in advance guys ..

The most obvious is install all updates and install the apps you like, I generally minimally install, so I don't have apps I never use, and don't have to uninstall them, besides that a lot is personal preferences, the software boutique has lots of good applications,

I mean .. things like codecs and settings like java , and apps, security settings

From the Welcome screen choose Getting Started which will take you to this screen:

Go to Updates & Extras to get codecs, additional drivers, themes, lots of stuff.

Then go to Optional Tasks to configure backups and firewall. I'd recommend at a minimum to configure your firewall.

Then head over to the Software Boutique where you will find an excellent selection of software curated by the Ubuntu MATE team.

Finally welcome to Ubuntu MATE!

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thank you dude this was helpful ! And I am glad to join MATE community.

one last question , is MATE better than Ubuntu LTS 18.04 for my needs ?

That is a question that only you can really answer for yourself.

However I use Ubuntu MATE as my main distribution on both laptop and desktop. Based on what you've written above I think you will find Ubuntu MATE very familiar to what you have used previously.

ok thank you dude for your advice :muscle:

IMHO, there are no mandatory post-installation steps you must to perform...
Just enjoy?

got it mate thank you