Newbe and never used Linux before

Hello all,

First Things english ist very poor. Sorry for that. I'm bloody inexperienced by using Linux at all, but i've already ordered my pi5 8gb and gave myself a good overview about what os to use then. It will be Ubuntu Mate. I' ve seen a lot in YouTube about ISO and first boot and so on. Also this community ist very top ratet by searching via Google.

So, i will give it a first try, as soon as my hardware has arrived. But i'm sure, that i'll need your friendly support for the one or the other topic.

See you soon then......


Hi, @MateOlaf and welcome to the Ubuntu MATE Community!

Welcome! I experimented with Ubuntu MATE on my Pi 4 and it was a mix of good and bad - I reckon the Pi 5 will fare a lot better as it has much more grunt than the 4.

Good luck and I hope you find all the support you need :mechanic:

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Welcome @MateOlaf! Everyone was where you are now. So, you now have an entire community at your back. We are here to answer questions. Sometimes we even get it right! :frowning:


That sounds good and makes me konfident.

Thanks a lot in advance.....:grinning:

Welcome and remember everyone here was also a new user once. There are people from all over the world. You might want to check one of these out.

I am guessing your English is from 'bloody' England, which is a bit different from US and Canadian English. LOL


Wait, wait. Are you equating Canadian English to American English? Eh? :smiley:

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Pretty much. I go there fishing every year with no problems. There are a few minor differences but not many, unlike British English and Australian English. Of course Quebec is a different story as they prefer you speak French.

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I'm bio german. But plus the new learning by working on Linux it is also a very good opportunity to improve my english.

Today, the first parts have arrived. The Raspberry Keyboard and the micro SD card. I've downloaded the ISO and the original imager and made the bootstick.

At the first week of feb. the rest will arrive,
which ist the display, the housing, the "Special" HDMI cable and finally the rpi5.

I'm curious and excited. I will let you know about the progress.

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A few questions Olaf, if you don't mind?

What made you decide on Raspberry Pi? I confess I've been tempted, but complete systems (benutzt) are available that don't require plugging in pieces. Did you find the cost of a new RP system cheaper than a laptop you could buy used?

But there is no Ubuntu MATE image for RPi 5. What are you planning to install and how? A standard Ubuntu image and then MATE Desktop?


The 400 ist having a pi5 inside. There are many postings in the web to find, whitch tells, that it works properly.... Wait and see, i will report.

I'd check here: Raspberry Pi Compatibility | Ubuntu MATE

In the meantime, if you like the MATE desktop (which we all do), you can install Ubuntu 24.04 (on a Pi 5) and then install the MATE desktop package.


RPi 400 is based on the RPi 4 board (Broadcom BCM2711 processor).