No WiFi scan list on 16.04

I just installed 16.04 tonight and everything is working great except I no longer have a WiFi scan list available under the network icon:

It worked when I first installed because I was able to connect to my WiFi network, but now I can't change networks. I have an Intel 7265 and I am using the default iwlwifi driver. This worked on 15.10. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I was able to figure out that it works correctly after rebooting until I toggle the WiFi off/on with the hardware (BIOS) key or suspend/resume the laptop. After that I no longer have a scan list.

Hi @TaborKelly,

I think suspend deactivates WiFI and that might be the reason?. :smiley:

Have you done a full system update?:

Have the same problem, and i tried to do full system update. No effect :expressionless:


is it happening only when you suspend/toggle the WiFi switch like @TaborKelly above?. :smiley:

Yeap! But there is no this issue in 15.10. I confused
You know how to fix this?)

I was having a problem with an old laptop which would sleep when booting!. I can only suggest you don’t use suspend or hibernate, I don’t have anything else sorry!. :smiley: