Nvidia Geforce gtx750TI best driver?

Have run into issues with the newer Nvidia driver updates 361.42 worked just fine, the 375 update has screwed up all my fonts on 3 Mate machines with same card
Does anyone know the best recommended driver for 750TI?

340.12/375.66/378.13/381.22 all give sizing issues with fonts now, Nouveau works fine though…

very strange stuff but I am not seeing any other noted issues like this on forum?


I have a 750ti which runs fine with 375.39 from the official Ubuntu 16.04 repo - no font issues whatsoever, neither with the earlier drivers 16.04 originally shipped with.
I suspect the issue you are having probably isn’t common.
Maybe you could also ask on NVidia’s own forums.

I have same issue on 3 different machines, all have 750 TI cards, never had an issue until Nvidia upgrade

See font size "Applications" etc, driving me nuts 16.04.2 & 17.04

Tested on 375.39 on 17.04, same issue

Strangely, when I click on "System" > Preferences > look & Feel > Appearances, as soon as i click on Appearances tab it rights itself? So maybe its the window manager not the drivers?