Old Ubuntu user, never found any distro I really liked until Ubuntu MATE

So my first Ubuntu installation was way back in the original Gnome Desktop (uncertain to the name/build number) I believe it was something like Ubuntu 11 give or take.

Anywho, I've loved Ubuntu for 20+ years or so but never found one that I could stick with for more than a month and I've tried nearly all of them.

I kept KDE around for the longest with Unity coming at a close second just for it's simplicity.

Been anti-Windows since Win7 was ditched (Microsoft needs to add it back IMO).

I have to say though I am really liking Ubuntu MATE on an old 64bit laptop that came with WinXP preloaded, this distro runs smooth and TBH it's still somewhat snappy.

All in all I could easily suggest MATE to my mates and not have to worry about them getting stuck in the menus lol. Good work MATE team!.


I've been testing out different linux distros on virtual machines for awhile, but now that my computer is so slow on mac os I decided to take the leap. Also loving MATE and how smooth it is on my 64-bit machine, can't wait to get all my friends on it when they ask for recs