So my first Ubuntu installation was way back in the original Gnome Desktop (uncertain to the name/build number) I believe it was something like Ubuntu 11 give or take.
Anywho, I've loved Ubuntu for 20+ years or so but never found one that I could stick with for more than a month and I've tried nearly all of them.
I kept KDE around for the longest with Unity coming at a close second just for it's simplicity.
Been anti-Windows since Win7 was ditched (Microsoft needs to add it back IMO).
I have to say though I am really liking Ubuntu MATE on an old 64bit laptop that came with WinXP preloaded, this distro runs smooth and TBH it's still somewhat snappy.
All in all I could easily suggest MATE to my mates and not have to worry about them getting stuck in the menus lol. Good work MATE team!.