Is it possible to incorporate online accounts similar to standard ubuntu? ie Email, Facebook, Twitter, etc so that you could post directly to those from the desktop?
Not anytime soon. None of the required currently exists in MATE
So thats desktop thing and not distro thing. Bummer. Think it would be hard to implement in Mate since it is a fork of Gnome 2?
Probably a lot of backend stuff to implement.
Would this install?
I’m willing to be the guinea pig!
Yeah, we need to have a think about online integration in MATE. We can derived from existing code, but this is not something the MATE team have started planning.
Do mean for yourself or for the distro?
If the latter, the only thing I would worry about (as a non-developer and a non-coder) is the problems that might develop if Ubuntu MATE includes Gnome Online Accounts and then MATE releases its own Online Accounts plugin. I would worry about the two programs conflicting or non-techies becoming confused between the two, especially if GOA is later replaced by MOA.
Please let me know it I'm sounding crazy because it's hard to tell from this end. Just trying to cover the bases.
And you’re not crazy.
Thanks, but that's not what eveyone else tells me.
and what about they have done in Mint?
Do you mean the Cinnamon edition? If so, that is based on GNOME3 so they can use gnome-online-accounts.
No, the post matter was MATE so I was telling about this …
In Linux Mint MATE I had online accounts running
Since we are now working on Mate 16.10, is it any possibility that onlilne accounts appears in Mate ???
Since Mate is being more based on GTK3 now , does it make it easier now ???
PS: I like this integration with online account in unity and gnome!
And if it is a no. What do you suggest to handle online accounts like : google, yahoo, hotmail, … ???
I want to sync with my online account on a local directory and be able to send direct messages or email messages.
For email I just use Thunderbird, which should work fine with all services you mentioned.
That’s fair enough. I have no idea how online accounts work in the first place.
If you installed a new email client, with an email account set up via the online accounts tool, would the client have access to that account automatically, or is it something that email clients have to build in support for themselves?
Por que o Ubuntu Mate não tem uma interface nativa com o Google Drive, assim com o Ubuntu?
A integração com o dropbox é perfeita, mas bem que poderia ter uma integração parecida com o Google Drive, sem precisar de aplicativos de terceiros.