Is there a way to move applications to a particular workspace and then switch to that workspace when they launch? I have tried devilspie but it doesn’t switch to the workspace afterwards. It only opens them in the one you specify.
Hi @CrazyDesi,
this is for Gnome but it might work as there are a couple of options to choose from?:
Thank you. I spent the time yesterday setting it up the way I want. It was a little complicated, but here are the steps for those interested:
1: You need to install wmctrl and gdevilspie(which will also install devilspie, I believe, otherwise you will need to install that):
sudo apt-get install gdevilspie wmctrl devilspie
You need to open a terminal and run “xprop”. After xprop starts, click on a running instance of the application you want to send to a workspace. Write down the “class” name.
Open gdevilspie. In gdevilspie, you need to type the window class you just wrote down and set it to choose the window class as the criteria for selecting windows. In the actions, check focus and set workspace to what you want.
To make the workspace load on the window launch, you need to go to the “spawn_async” setting and type in wmctrl -s [# of the workspace minus one]. Please note that wmctrl begins at 0. As a result, workspace 2 is wmctrl 1 and so on and so forth.
Make sure to go back and stop the devilspie daemon and start it again. You can also set devilspie to start at login.
Edit: It should be spawn_async not spawn_sync. Using spawn_sync will result in the window not focusing on switching.