Open image with maximized window using Gimp

When I open an image with Gimp, the window is not maximized.

How do I get Gimp to open images with a maximized window?


See -

where it says "go to Edit>Preferences>Windows Management> un tick save window positions on exit and restart Gimp. That should re write the sessionrc file. Now try to go to Windows>single window mode.
Adjust your window and re tick the save windows position selection. Restart Gimp again. The window should open in single window mode at your correct width and height at every start now."


What mode do you use? I prefer Single Window mode.
You can check in View - Zoom for your preferred option, or change the Preferences in Edit menu and then in Image windows.

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I picked single window mode and my problem was fixed.

Is there something I can do to keep these settings from being changed?

Like some config file that I can make a backup of that I can restore?

If you chose single windowed mode, Gimp will remember it

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Single Window mode setting should remain. No need for adjustments in a config file.

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