Panels misbehaving a bit on 16.04 beta 2

As per title.

I have indicators enabled. I have on the right hand side of the top panel in order from right to left:

power icon
volume control
network manager

Of all of the above, I have skype, thunderbird and qbittorrent set to automatically open minimised to the top panel at login

Qbittorent is not always appearing, even though I know it is active and downloading something. In order to bring it up, I am having to go to the normal menu and call it up via the launcher in there.

As part of the process of tracking down the problem, I went into Mate Tweak and disabled and then re-enabled indicators. However, at the point, another odd thing happened. At the left of my top panel, I have a number of icons including:

mate panel

On resetting indicators, all of these icons disappeared and so I had to reinstate them. In other words, resetting indicators actually reset the entire mate panels wiping out any previous customisations

Well I don’t have any suggestions other than saying thanks for the tip!

At some point I had a text file / wiki page / post it note that where I had jotted down where the MATE (Gnome 2 - too) panel config files are. That way when I built a new box or reinstalled I didn’t have to go through the 10 minute task of setting up my panels.

Alas, like so many things I’ve learned it’s yet another thing I’ll have to Google again :wink: