Pantheon/Cupertino top menus

Having taken some time to look at 17.10 Beta 2, it’s an excellent improvement in many areas, however there’s one area where, from an accessibility standpoint, things seem to have fallen short.

Is there any reason why the Pantheon top menu (Brisk?) has no keyboard navigation support? It’s usable only by mouse control, which from an a11y perspective is a blocker for usage in some use-cases. I’m guessing this is because Brisk is still in development and doesn’t yet have basic keyboard navigation support?

I just tried myself and see the same thing. Never tried before, I usually press super key and just start typing the name of the app I want… I’m sure it will get added… Brisk is still a fairly new project.


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Thought that was the case. Appreciate the confirmation & keep up the great work. UM remains a steadfast favourite workhorse across three generations of my family.

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It has been noted on Brisk’s issue tracker.