Pentium 4 Dell Latitude C640

Did some digging around this morning and found my old Dell laptop and decided to see how Ubuntu MATE runs on it. I remember when I got this in 2005 and through Ubuntu 5.04 on it it was awesome, and just as good with 15.04 (except a little slower now and only 1gb of RAM instead of 2).

and this next one is a picture of the latptop its self.

Will next see how well it boots on my ThinkPad T20 with a Pentium III


I’m running Ubuntu Mate 14.04 LTS 32-bit on an old IBM thinkpad and an old Acer-One Aspire notepad.

Runs really well on both of them…:slight_smile:

Yea I’m sure, going to try installing it on my T20 using the Lubuntu Alternative disc asit has an option for UM desktop and will install with less than 384MB of RAM as the T20 only has 256MB