Persistent ImageMagick (color depth=q16)

So here is what I did. This shows before changing properties on a ,pdf file.

And this shows after.

And as far as I can tell, removing ImageMagick does not uninstall it. Please show me yours.

See how Atril is highlighted? When I click on it, the green ball stays on IM. If I highlight IM, and click -Remove, nothing happens. I can show you the view of Preferred Apps and I can change it to Atril but it changes back to IM as soon as closed...

You should click in the circle next to Atril and then close properties. Then double click on any .pdf

While you're at it, highlight Brave (the best) and click on Remove. Brave is entirely too much in what it wants.

Of course I've clicked on the CIRCLE. Nothing happens. The page pulses, but the green ball doesn't change places.

I don't have any help for you. Even after changing the owner of the example file to root, I was able to change what it could be opened by. Sorry...

Right click, left click, double right click, double left click? Nope, it is always a left click unless you've set your mouse/touchpad differently. I'm going to try to add IM and then see if I get your situation.

Edit: I could not get Image Magic to open any .pdf file. Does clicking on Reset do any good?

Does clicking on Reset do any good? Your situation seems quite weird.

No. Clicking on 'Reset' does not allow changing the 'Open With' selection.

I went looking for solutions and bug reports. First see -

an old bug. But a good hint is found in the last comment.

It said - I saw a similar problem in 16.04 with PDFs being opened with ImageMagick. Trying to open With Document Viewer and set that as the default made no change. I saw in mimeapps.list that there was both an image/pdf and an applications/pdf entry. I removed the image/pdf entry that pointed to ImageMagick, and left the very last entry in the file, which was the applications/pdf entry with Evince.

Try renaming your home/.config/mimeapps.list to mimeapps.list.disabled. Log out/log in and see if you can now change Open With.

And solutions. Please see -

where someone has a similar situation. Try the first answer. Open a terminal in the directory where you have a .pdf file and enter this -

mimeopen -d yourfile.pdf

You should see something like this -

Please choose a default application for files of type application/xxx

This immediately opened the document in Atril. Good luck JimHiTek

Already tried the 2nd suggestion and it didn't work.

Searched for mimeapps.list and there are 11 of them...none of them are in the /.config directory. In fact I can't find a /.config dir.
Starting at /home, I do a dir and it shows jim_hitek only. If I back up one dir to / , it shows 25 dirs but no config.

Because of the leading dot, the .config directory is ordinarily hidden. Change your caja preferences to show hidden files and directories.

Changed it but still not showing up. Might have to reboot. Time to cook dinner so will work on it later or tomorrow .

Nope, rebooting didn't help. Opening /home as admin doesn't do anything either.

GOT IT! Changed the file manager from Caja to Files, configured it to show hidden files, and there .config is. So I'm off to try that other suggestion now.

Don't have a mimeapps.list file in that dir so did a search and found it somewhere. Chging it now...will test.

FIXED Followed this instruction to rename this file: home/.config/mimeapps.list to mimeapps.list.disabled

I can now click on PDF files and they open in Atril instead of the ImageMagik splash screen opening.

The default for PDF is now Atril.

I'm changing my file manager to 'Files' too since Caja didn't change to show hidden files as requested.

I don't know how many other items this changed yet but I'll keep my eyes open.

The mimeapps.list file will be automatically generated as you select which app should open which file type. Glad to hear that you are back on track. Which version of MATE are you running by the way?

Have no idea which Mate it is. How do I find that?

Found it! Mate 1.24.0

Got distracted when an egg in the MW blew up.

Try the following command in a terminal.

lsb_release -a

Highlight the results and use ctrl-shift-c to copy . Paste into a new pluma file to check and post back here. Otherwise, a screenshot would be just fine.

Also see -

You're running Focal Fossa. I added a tag to the title of this post to ID your OS.

So what did I learn from all this?

  1. ImageMagik has a bug going back almost a decade that sometimes causes certain setups of Ubuntu to ignore the Preferred Applications settings in Mate;
  2. That Caja has a bug that sometimes does not show hidden files even when set to, the bug surviving reboots;
  3. That Mate doesn't have an obvious 'Help' at the GUI level that would tell me what it's revision level is.

Not bad for one bug.

At the end of this topic, I must warn you that Preferred Applications has rarely ever worked for me to set anything. Far better to use Properties, Open With as I remarked in post #2 above, then check Pref. App. to see how it looks. Glad that you no longer have to look at Image Magick's splash page.

Really? Mate has a bug that prevents setting other Preferred Apps sometimes? Strange. So far, the PDF pointer is the only one I've run into that couldn't be changed. I'll keep a look out for others. Just hope I can remember what fixed it.

It wasn't a matter of a problem of looking at the splash screen, it was a matter of productivity suffering due to a slow down every time I'd quickly click on a document as I was collating only to find it wouldn't open. Then have to back up and choose Atril.

You used the term "bug", I did not. I do a lot of things that tend to mess with how operating systems work. Because I've been doing this for more than a few years, I don't think that my inability to set preferred applications with MATE's app is any big deal.

I usually know what to do to correct this app as well as a few others. Look at post #8 where I misspelled Atril as Arril in the screenshot. The typo was a result of fixing something too fast. How embarrassing...

Glad your productivity is back on track.