Pi 4 Mate - no keybord and Mouse


I'm looking for a Desktop on Rasperry Pi4 (4 GB Mem) - my experience now is very frustrating .
After - openSUSE KDE; Debian KDE; Debian Pixel now I will try
Ubuntu Mate - Installed on SSD (USB 3.0) and SDXC card.
SDXC card - update takes 3 hour time and does not work good; Absolute no performance; more sleeping as working.

SSD - installed but keyboard and Mouse not working always ; sometimes but the most time not.

What can I do ; how to configure that it's working; login only with onscreenkeyboard possible.
Mous and Keyboard working very well on openSUSE 15.3 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
with KDE.

Thanks for any tip.

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Welcome @c64 to the community!

some times!!! :zipper_mouth_face:

Possibly it is your equipment which is giving the problem.
I have 3 RPi4 systems all running UbMate 21.04 with no problems for keyboard or mouse.
The installation does take a while, and if you have 4G system rather than 8G there is a limit to usability - I use the systems mainly for internet browsing as I have an ASUS based system with the same vintage UbMate to do my other work.

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