I reported as a side note on in another thread that add printer crashed at the searching for drivers step.
After today’s updates I tried again. Got further, but then cups crashed – something about a PPD – I thought it was going to work this time until this happened. I sent the crash report.
Overall Ubuntu-Mate 15.10 has been a pretty good experience.
Edit: Its a networked Brother color laser printer and Ubuntu-Mate 15.10 i386 installed it without issues and it prints nicely.
Thanks for the info but I've not yet really needed a printer for my RiP2 when running Rasbian. Our Brother is a networked "Jet Direct" color laser printer connected over WiFi so it doesn't directly install as a CUPS printer -- I believe it uses Gimp-print/foomatic & ghostscript components, but I'm no printer expert, just a luser -- mostly my wife uses the printer.
The standard Ubuntu-MATE 15.10 tools worked as expected installing it for Ubuntu-MATE on Intel/AMD, I posted this because it didn't work on Ubuntu-MATE 15.10 for the RiP2.
I haven't tried Mate 16.04 yet on the Pi2, and I may not as Raspbian seems better suited for what I do with the Pi -- GUI on the pi are pretty sluggish and why MATE is pretty light and efficient, its still "heavier" than most LXDE or LXQT implementations, but I'm loving Ubuntu-MATE 16.04 on my 6-year old AMD64 quad core desktop and even older Centrino laptop so far -- both upgrades from 15.10 to 16.04 whet smoothly.
If I ever get around to trying Mate-16.04 on my PI2 (or Pi3) I'll report back on how it goes.