pi2's snd_bcm2835 :sound playing not fluent ,always stuck


i'm using ubuntu mate @ pi2 for several days , it's pretty cool

and there is a problem i'm asking for help:

the sound playing is not fluent ,always stuck actully when i'm playing mp3 with vlc (using default snd device: bcm2835 alsa)

is there any good solutions?

thanks : )

@yun Have you tried using omxplayer? VLC is not yet fully compatible with the Raspberry Pi…

hi rohithmadhavan !

omxplayer is fine…anyway :wink:

maybe they guys writing the imperfect snd driver on purposely… i’m wondering about that

if you know the real reason,please tell me : )

i’m going to buy a usb sound card to fix it if there is no perfect solutions eventually!

[First - I have Mate on a Pi 2 and its wonderful. A few issues, but on the whole it’s the best!]

I had this problem at first even though it worked perfectly on Raspian both HDMI and with an external speaker. What I found was when I moved the volume control, it would play, then die crackling away. It sounded like a dusty volume control on an old radio. Oddly the more I did it, the longer it cleared up, and oddly enough now works perfectly for both audio and video. I know it sounds weird, but if I had to speculate it may have been a buffering or cache issue?

Another thing to check is did you resize the boot partition to it’s maximum size, and do you have a fast enough chip. Mine is a 16G Ultra (HC1) chip.

hi! i had met some situations just like yours,but unfortunately,without the luck you have :wink:

i had been solved this problem with a no more than 1$ CM108-usb-sound card,and it works perfect anyway :smile:

so i think it is that the original snd driver’s fault…