Plank and virtual desktop switching

I’ve noticed that Plank seems to vanish after switching to another virtual desktop and back again. Running it from the terminal, I was unable to catch any fatal errors so I have to assume the issue is not in Plank itself.

Only way I’ve found to get it back is kill the process and restart it…

I really like Plank and added it to startup. That way it starts automatically

Yeah. Same here. However it seems to go into a pseudo-zombie state where it disappears from the desktop when I switch back from a second workspace

Using the MATE Workspace Switcher applet, I can reproduce this at will. If you could give it try and report back, it might be useful…


My immediate thought - I have no idea about a work space switcher applet.
I switch work spaces using the keyboard Ctrl-Alt either right or left arrow.
I move applications by selecting the small dot in upper left of an application window.

I'll look for the applet and post back later with results

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That seems to have no impact on the running instance of Plank. However, double-checking with the applet shows that Plank disappears, although still running in the background.

I should probably add that I’m running Compiz…

Boy that was educational - I was compelled to find the work space switcher - after looking through all the menu items paying particular attention to control center I found it by using the system help menu.
After adding it I proceeded to launch an app in each of the workspaces and only navigated to the workspaces using the switcher. I have my Plank configured to autohide and

Plank panel remained completely visible on all 4 work spaces.

Note that I have deleted my bottom panel and use Plank exclusively

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@_rb I have no experience with compiz

Hi _rb

I cannot reproduce this. Have you added ccsm or changed default settings?

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After running compiz all afternoon, I can say there is a problem on switching between workspaces. Open windows (apps) will not always display. But I am running 16.10, so maybe not your problem.

I’ll switch back over to 16o4 (compiz) w/plank and run it till tomorrow. That should be a fair test.

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I just tried reverting to marco but the problem persisted.

Switched back to Compiz and used MATE Tweak to reset system defaults and now I can’t seem to make it fail.

I was convinced when neither of you could replicate the problem that it had to be something local. I don’t recall changing anything from default but I may just have forgotten.

Thanks for all your time and efforts.


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Thanks for this.

You also can find it via “Add to panel…” (right-click on the panel), right at the bottom of the list of applets…

I seem to have resolved the issue by simply resetting the system defaults in Compiz using MATE Tweak.

Thanks again for your time and efforts in confirming this was a local issue…


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You have a solution, but just so you know. I ran compiz on 16o4 the rest of the night and a couple of hours this morning. Wimpy’s default setting for compiz work without any errors. The only thing I did notice was drag and drop between workspaces no longer works for me, but no show stoppers.

So I added CCSM just to see and also added some extra plugins. With this combo it didn’t take me but 10 minutes to get into trouble. So if you customize compiz just choose very carefully :slight_smile:

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Aha! I have CCSM installed but honestly don’t recall changing anything from the defaults…but, with my memory, that means nothing.

I’ll be interested to see if the issue I’d had with the Software Updater applet is now also fixed. It didn’t pop up, just sat minimised in the bottom panel and then crashed when I tried to run it. I had just assumed that managing my updates manually had annoyed it and it was exiting in a petulant frenzy…

Thanks again,


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