Plans for 24.04 LTS?

Bij mijn weten bestaat er helemaal geen infinity thema in de ubuntu pakketbronnen. Is dit infinity thema een applicatie van een 3e partij ?
Heb je rekening gehouden met de mogelijkheid dat fouten in dat infinity thema ongeldige waarden kan introduceren welke de desktop dwingen om de standaard waarden aan te nemen ?


.ubuntu has 22.04.4 running from a live USB, when I install it, it also produces this error. tried on several laptops.
.when I install the infinity theme, after a restart it sets the default desktop theme.

As far as I know there is no infinity theme in the Ubuntu repositories at all. Is this infinity theme a 3rd party application?
Have you considered the possibility that bugs in that infinity theme could introduce invalid values that force the desktop to assume defaults?


I am sorry to say, and I don't want to be rude, but I think no, he doesn't. @Wimpy 's last seen here was 29 Sep '23. His social channels are full of Nix stuff, not Ubuntu MATE.
In this video he says he wants to migrate his family to NixOS. And Ubuntu MATE was primarily developed for his family. Now he develops Nix for them.
I am just a normal user, not a developer, but I think it would be fair from him to say he is not interested in the project anymore and show us the new leader.
In other words: I think it is OK to become interested in something else, but it is fair to say goodbye. Many people run this great system on their computers (not on calculators) and sort of rely on it. I switched back to Ubuntu GNOME after I saw nobody was interested in my original question whole month and I think it is a normal human reaction. My wife's (10y old) laptop still runs Ubuntu MATE and I still love it, but if there is no vision of maintenance and development in the future, it will become insecure and irrelevant.
I want to highlight I don't want to be rude or to criticize anybody who is doing the hard work of development and I thank you all!
I am opened for discussion.

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Canonical rebuilds Ubuntu 24.04 LTS packages for Noble Numbat Beta, ensuring safety from CVE-2024-3094 threat. - April 3, 2024



I believe he still shares his love/energy to Ubuntu Mate, because if you check commits like here Commits · ubuntu-mate/ubuntu-mate-settings · GitHub and Commits · ubuntu-mate/ubuntu-mate-artwork · GitHub, there were activities, though not much.


Any news if we're getting the release today?

I have installed it about 30min before

For the future of Mate:
I read they devs are working on wayland implementation with v1.28, and it may take time until 2026.
Honestly - Ubuntu Mate with Wayland support will be my highlight for raspberry pi. :heart_eyes:

I've submitted the LTS re-qualification request for Ubuntu MATE to the tech-board:


Thanks @Wimpy, will follow-up via email. Cheers.