Playback issues on Raspberry Pi 3 + YouTube = HISSSSSS!

I just got the new raspberry pi 3 and made an Ubuntu MATE 15.10 install to a 32 Gb class 10 SanDisk SSD card. I’ve done my initial setup and updated everything I’m routing video to a monitor via HDMI and sound via 3.5mm to a set of old speakers. Where I’m running into trouble is when I try to play certain YouTube videos (eg., Weird Al’s Tattoo). The audio is about 95% loud hiss and 5% distant music. Other videos (Family Guy - Candy Quahog Marshmallow) have normal audio (although the video/audio sync seems a bit off).

Performance on Raspbian seems to be somewhat better, and I don’t have any audio issues at all, suggesting this is an issue with Raspberry Pi 3 + Ubuntu MATE.

How might I go about troubleshooting this issue? Is anyone else having this problem?

Thanks in advance.

I too having the same problems with my raspberry pi3 while playing youtube videos from my hdmi … with ubuntu-mate 16.04 beta 2 .

I tried every possible options and it does not work.
The sound from youtube is so horrible and video just drags. And yes the youtube video sound keep hissing… the sound from video clip just slow everything down. (As if you hear a ghost from youtube.)

I am very fustrating.

I did install chromium browser and did not even run on raspberry pi 3.

I hope ubuntu-mate software developer take note if these problem.

There are many times my ubuntu-mate 16.04 beta 2 just freezes and my browser just quit all by itself.

I just realise that the ubuntu-mate 16.04 beta 2 is 32 bit instead of 64 bit.

Ubuntu-mate 16.04 must support the cpu for raspberry pi 3 in their kernel.

@ M_Rusli Well, for starters I hope that you are aware that youtube videos wont play well on the rpi3 no matter what you do (unless you download the video using the youtube downloader). Even in 360p there is noticeable stutter now-and-then. And you can forget about playing youtube videos in full-screen on the rpi3.

That said, the ‘hiss’ you describe is odd. Does it sound like static or literally a continues hiss. Do you get any clear audio on your rpi3 ?

I heard the hissing…the video clip was dead slow…the sound of the video clip was so slow and it sound like an exorcist! I totally had it. I give up…

I install chrome browser and it does not run!

The hopeless part is i have to make use the youtube downloader to download youtube videos…sometimes mp4 does not seems to work at all with any media player…

Been struggling with it…nothing seems to work.

Using sm player tube it can’t stop the video!

So many bugs!

Worked on this quite a bit today, and from what I am seeing, I can easily play any HTML5 video from YouTube on my RPi3 (running UbuntuMate 16.04), but it stutters, doesn’t pace well, and has overwhelming static (like off-station FM radio) if the video is SWF (Shockwave Flash). The issue is NOT with your RPi3 or UbuntuMate, directly, it is with the fact that Mate doesn’t have Flash-support and can’t play the video properly.

I have GREAT audio and excellent play with any HTML5 video there, though…so same-site, different format, one barfs - it’s the format, not the hardware. Now, about coding Flash to ARMHF chips? Good luck with that, since Abobe has NO INTEREST in coding Flash for ARMHF chips. FYI, no fixes or work-arounds submitted to date actually work properly - and most regret starting down that road, eventually.

Hope this helps.

Is it possible/doable/practical to use a tool like youtube-dl to extract the .swf from youtube and convert it to something friendlier to the Pi3? I’m assuming that would have to be done on a regular PC, since a converter would assume support for flash, which as you clearly said is not supported on ARMHF-based computers.

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Eric, yes. That :slight_smile:️ Ubuntu MATE for the Pi come pre-installed with YouTube DL GUI for precisely that reason. Also, VLC and ffmpeg have both been patched on Ubuntu MATE for the Pi to enable OpenMAX and MMAL hardware accelerated playback. omxplayer is also installed for hardware assisted playback.

@Skeetersaurus This issue is not that Ubuntu MATE doesn’t support Flash. The issue is there is no Flash for armhf (the CPU architecture) on Linux, at all.

I think I did explain that at the bottom of my post, that ‘Adobe has no interest (their sentiment, not mine), of coding SW-Flash for ARMHF architecture.’

@Wimpy, as you did sound off on this topic, and mentioned the pre-installed YT-DL-GUI (which actually, is also an available Firefox add-on too), I am quite interested why I have terrible lag, frozen-frames and generally-atrocious playback for .MP4 (360p or greater) on UbuntuMate 16.04, even when I keep the VLC player small and tweak every setting within it to minimal features?

Seriously, I can play a 360p MP4 of, oh, say 40-Mb, and it is more like watching a 3-picture slideshow with 1-minute spans in transition. I can turn right around, put this same video on my laptop running Ubuntu 14.04 and it is great (then again, hard to ‘slug’ a 3-ghz quad-core 64-bit with 8-gb ram computer and 500-gb SSD drive, too).

But, I can change RPi3 microSD’s to run Raspbian, and that same MP4 plays flawlessly (on the 15-inch HDMI TV that I have rigged up for it).

Talk me through what Mate 16.04 is doing wrong, that I am correcting by changing my microSD over to Raspbian?

{In reference to what I am asking, yes, the 40-mb MP4 for my RPi3 was ran from my Desktop, no I cannot effectively run videos from the internet on the RPi3 without ‘sluggish freeze-frames’, and yet, in changing the OS over to another ‘minimal OS’ type, I can run SOME VIDEOS on it, kind-of.}

In general, videos on the RPi with UbuntuMate16.04 is hit-or-miss, depending on format, viewing frame size, player, and from what I am now assuming, how you hold your pinkies when keying in URLs…as my wife can watch videos on Facebook with it easily, but I can only see SOME video content I search for, sometimes, on YT - but let her find a cat-video (I kid you not), and it will probably play with little stutter.

I swear I have tried to have her help me track this issue down (kind-of as my own beta-tester) and I can’t figure out why some videos play better than others…my bandwidth at 100-mb/sec is NOT a problem.

Hi all,

I’m not sure about video lagging problems on Raspi but for sound problems; I would try installing the following package via a terminal:

sudo apt-get install libxine2-all-plugins

(Does Raspi use “apt-get”?)

I cannot say as to whether or not it will help but its worth a try!. :smiley:

See the Raspberry Pi page for details about how to enable hardware accelerated playback in VLC.

So Now we know that FLASH is not supported by Adobe for ARM architecture. That makes sense to me because while I have flash installed as a plugin within FF, it plays NOTHING! The HISSSSSSSSSSS is not a flash problem, it occurs under HTML5 and on some occasions it will happen on about 50% of all youtube videos.

@wolfman libxine2 does not fix this problem.
@wimpy hardware acceleration does not fix this problem.

Has anyone made any headway on the HISSSSSSSSSSS?

Hi all,

I can really only suggest looking on the Raspi forum as I don’t have one myself!:

I had the same issue and fixed it using kweb instead of firefox for youtube (plays on omxplayer instead of the browser)

I have the same hisssss sound issue on an OrangePI PC and WM8880-based netbook, both armhf CPUs, both on Ubuntu Mate image (opi) or armbian. I do not have this problem if I use a x86 PC or my big Powermac G5

Here is an example of website where the sound is broken:

But, if I use Chromium 53, with a special installation method listed here:
(type install chromium 53 on raspberry pi on google)
It does work, but the playback isn’t perfect, because a Rpi or a OrangePi isn’t very powerful.

So, I think that the issue is with Firefox armhf build, or the codecs used by it.


Has there been any resolution to this problem? With FF I get HiSSSSSss from about 50% of YT videos while the video portion plays perfectly. Using Chrome on the same computer they all play fine with good audio.