I think I did explain that at the bottom of my post, that ‘Adobe has no interest (their sentiment, not mine), of coding SW-Flash for ARMHF architecture.’
@Wimpy, as you did sound off on this topic, and mentioned the pre-installed YT-DL-GUI (which actually, is also an available Firefox add-on too), I am quite interested why I have terrible lag, frozen-frames and generally-atrocious playback for .MP4 (360p or greater) on UbuntuMate 16.04, even when I keep the VLC player small and tweak every setting within it to minimal features?
Seriously, I can play a 360p MP4 of, oh, say 40-Mb, and it is more like watching a 3-picture slideshow with 1-minute spans in transition. I can turn right around, put this same video on my laptop running Ubuntu 14.04 and it is great (then again, hard to ‘slug’ a 3-ghz quad-core 64-bit with 8-gb ram computer and 500-gb SSD drive, too).
But, I can change RPi3 microSD’s to run Raspbian, and that same MP4 plays flawlessly (on the 15-inch HDMI TV that I have rigged up for it).
Talk me through what Mate 16.04 is doing wrong, that I am correcting by changing my microSD over to Raspbian?
{In reference to what I am asking, yes, the 40-mb MP4 for my RPi3 was ran from my Desktop, no I cannot effectively run videos from the internet on the RPi3 without ‘sluggish freeze-frames’, and yet, in changing the OS over to another ‘minimal OS’ type, I can run SOME VIDEOS on it, kind-of.}
In general, videos on the RPi with UbuntuMate16.04 is hit-or-miss, depending on format, viewing frame size, player, and from what I am now assuming, how you hold your pinkies when keying in URLs…as my wife can watch videos on Facebook with it easily, but I can only see SOME video content I search for, sometimes, on YT - but let her find a cat-video (I kid you not), and it will probably play with little stutter.
I swear I have tried to have her help me track this issue down (kind-of as my own beta-tester) and I can’t figure out why some videos play better than others…my bandwidth at 100-mb/sec is NOT a problem.