Have any one been working on this?
Hello pimateu, welcome to our forums.
As far as I know, no one here has any control over noobs.
But check this out.
And you may have better luck with other replies in our Pi forum, so I moved you.
Good luck
It is not very hard making your own n00bs file.
I’ve made a n00bs-version for the old 16.04 but haven’t updated it to 16.04.02
https://1drv.ms/u/s!Am359mCdhrUJh80Yb9bel4HHBH8WZQ (OneDrive shared)
Just unzip in the OS folder. Username is “pi” and password is “rapsberry”.
Edit: here is a nOObs version of the 16.04.02 release (also OneDrive):
Hi martinigm, and thank you very much for your work, and the fact that you put it up for people to download.
I’ve been trying to integrate Mate into NOOBS, and it was driving me CRAZY!!! .
I tried to make my own version by following and modifying this https://github.com/raspberrypi/noobs/wiki/Adding-custom-OS-version-examples. After doing everything on the page it would error out when installing. The page is for Noobs 1.5 though.
Then I stumbled upon your post by desperation and LUCK .
Quite simply how did you create the partition_setup.sh file as that is what NOOBS 2.4.1 would always crash on.
I tried to do some research on the partition_setup.sh file but I got nothing that I could understand .
Any pointers on how you created the MATE partition_setup.sh would be greatly appreciated for future custom installs.
Thanks once again.
can you give a introduction how to add my owen ubuntu-mate-16.04.2-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img on noobs?
easy way
- dowload and start etcher
- select the ubuntu-mate-xx.xx.xx-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img.xz
- mount it on the formated sdcard