I watched a movie on Youtube. When I finished I noticed that at the end of the name of the file uploaded on Youtube it said Trojan. The film was Futurama and it was uploaded on Google Docs. I found the movie on Reddit on the watch full movies on Vimeo subreddit. Now, I already formatted my PC last week and I am afraid that I might damage my hdd by reformatting it very often. What should I do?
Trojans don't usually advertise what they are in their names
Hi, true that they usually don't, but this video has it on its name. It is unusual, but this one has it in video's name.
You watched it on youtube but it was uploaded to google docs? I'm not following you.
It was uploaded to a Google Doc file; Google Doc runs videos via Youtube. So I watched it on Youtube. The name was something like Futurama/folderX/TROJANHORSE.
The Web browser is the main attack surface on your machine. Install uBlock Origin, HTTPS everywhere first thing.
I already have.
If you believe your computer was compromised, then re-install.
I am worried about breaking my hdd because I formatted my pc twice this month. I didn't like Ubuntu 16.04 so I switched to Ubuntu-Mate 16.04. Before that I formatted my pc as I downloaded a lot of torrents, such as movies.
You are not going to break a hard drive because you formatted it 3 times in a month. Or, at least, not unless it is very old and coming to the end of its life anyway. In which case, it could break at any moment and you should replace it in any event.
It doesn't make too much sense but let's supposed your PC was infected, the steps to fully get rid of malware are:
Backup your files.
Create a new parttion table.
Create the partitions needed.
Install the OS.
Install antirootkits software.
Install antivirus software.
Run antirootkits on your machine.
Run antivirus on your backup.
Destroy infected files.
Deploy your backup.
Change all your passwords.
All this will work and be perfectly safe except if any of your firmware was modify.
No, it will not, not even wiping it and filling it with zeroes.[quote="vr_anticipator, post:3, topic:10091"]
Before that I formatted my pc as I downloaded a lot of torrents, such as movies.
Well, too much amount of data on a period of time could break it but no one never gets past that limit and it is an HDD, so its like nothing. If you want to know what is the health of your drive look for Disks utility and go to SMART data.
Well, I know that it is not the usual way of getting malware, but there are always new ways to get your pc infected. We all know the saying: “If it is too good to be true…”
I am going to format my pc later. Yesterday, my launchpad disappeared, which has never happened before. So I believe there is some malware on my pc. I might try this antivirus; however, AV software isn’t very reliable. They only clean and protect of 20% of the malware online. Though it might be enough for Linux.
No need to worry. You don’t have to format your pc, because you are not infected. TROJANVIRUS is just a channel that uploaded the video in the website cytu.be. What is written in capital letters in your screenshot is the URL of that channel.
I also noticed that you are using too many ad blockers. This is bad for your pc, as they may be conflicting with each other. In my opinion UBlock Origin and HTTPS Everywhere are enough for basic protection. The other ad blockers and Ghostery don’t offer you anything more, they just slow your pc down.