Is there a way of adding more time options to the Power Management? at the moment the lowest is:
computer sleep is 10mins and screen sleep is 1min
I did try dconf editor 120sec but that only worked for the screen. This is for suspend by the way on ac
Yes I did wolfman, the display did work but not the computers sleep.
I will try it again and try rebooting this time. Unless there is another way?
Hi @antechdesigns,
see the last post here as it may have something for you?:
Thanks for that wolfman, while that fixes the screen blanking after 5mins, my pc still does not suspend to ram after 2mins or what ever I set it too (using dconf).
Thanks again
Sorry about that @antechdesigns, I don’t use suspend or hibernate or any power saving settings as I don’t like screensaver and CO!.
Maybe someone else on the forum has an idea?.