Powerline9K theme with zsh

hey bro… how did u set terminal prompt? its so cool!!

That is zsh with PowerLevel9K theme applied, specified in my .zshrc file. Since I am a single user, I keep a root .zshrc for when root is invoked by su in terminal so they look different but have a consistent style.

I would like to add; Z-Shell is a very advanced and complicated alternative to Bourne Again. If you’re not sure what you’re doing, stick with bash and only attempt to break your system in a live session; you may find if you aren’t careful to be out of a system because you don’t know what you’re doing.

i have installed Powerline theme (same as Powerlevel9K on yours zsh…).
but Powerline is look so borring… not like yours…
whis i can find something simillar like Powerlevel9k on Bash…

btw i have Zsh but i never use it… i stuck on bash cuz i can :yum:

by the way… when i using Powerline… sometimes i think…
what the fck is “MASTER” ?
what did it mean? sudo symbol alternatives?

IDK man, all I know is Powerline is a pain in the butt to deal with compared to learning Z and getting the PowerLevel9K theme to work. Bourne Again has more limited printing capabilities compared to Z, specifically the right-side prompt; people have done it for Bourne Again before but they’re more hacky and less elegant than Z’s implementation which just works.

If you want what I have, you’ll need to configure a .zshrc file for root, then import that sheet into your own. My setup has root’s .zshrc as a file in my home folder, where I used a root term to link it into /root. That allows me to edit root’s file without admin, which while insane from a security standpoint, isn’t anything catastrophic with safe and sane computer use.

Then you just specify what you want to colour. Since you show interest in this I’ll go through the bother of seeking my old .zshrc files and DM’ing them to you.

there is small and BIG problem…

how i can make .zshrc file?
i only have .bashrc file…
i think when i install zsh… zsh will automaticaly generate that .zshrc file…

@lah7 we need a topic split.

You are correct that zsh will produce its own file; a base file, with nothing in it which appears extraordinarily plain. While changing shells is not a trivial process by any stretch, it shouldn’t be a a major ordeal unless you really don’t know what you are doing.

i try zsh and use your zshrc… but… i prefer bash than zsh :v