PowerPC - 16.04 - error messages during boot although system runs well

Hello Community

I just installed 16.04 on my G5 PPC parallel to OS X 10.5.8. Except some minor issues (see below) everything looks good and works very well. But there are (at least) three error messages during boot, but they disappear pretty fast when the Home screen of Ubuntu Mate pops up. I could get hold of the following messages:

->> Failed to start “Load Kernel Modules”
->> … shpchp0001 Cannot reserve MMIO region

The first pops up right at the top of the messages displayed during startup. Then about 10-20 message are shown all marked “OK”. Then at the bottom the latter message pops up twice, preceeded by a changing numerical id.

Can these messages be redirected to a file so that they could be evaluated?
I had a look at the system log files. In the german language version it is
Anwendungen >> Systemwerkzeuge >> Systemprotokollbetrachter
I am not aware of the original english labels but it might be something like
Applications >> System Tools >> System Protocol Viewer
But Syslog contains a huge amount of entries and the log keeps jumping to the latest entry so it is almost impossible to analyze the entries at the beginning of the log file probably generated upon startup. How can I get hold of those messages?

Has anyone an idea what the meaning of these messages is?