I'm trying to use a Kyocera P6130cdn on a local network. New install of Mate 22.04. Nothing unusual about the setup so far. Just a plain vanilla install.
I note the drivers package from Kyocera is not packaged correctly and my machine does not recognize the format of their file.
Error I see when trying to print a test page or anything else is "Print job not accepted".
I can print from an older machine running an up-to-date Mate 20.04.
This seems to be a generic problem and may be to do with self-signed certificates.
Easy fix is to download the Kyocera driver, extract the right PPD file and configure a new driver using JetDirect protocol (port 9100) and manually add the PPD file.
No more problems.
Not that long ago I had to tweak a printer preferences to make it accept jobs... Actually the problem was resolved by changing its URL from ipps:// into ipp://