Hi! I installed Mate 24.04 on my latop, everything ok .
Now I wish to start compiz, I installed and configured it, with mate-tweak I changed from Marco to compiz. Working fine. Excelent, I added the entry to start menu (simply the command "compiz") and rebooted.
After login I see only an empty desktop, nothing at all but the wallpaper.
The only tyhing I can do is CTRL+ALT+F1,2,3,4 and access to the textual login and command line.
How can I reset the window manager from there?
Here's the solution:
You can delete your manual entry compiz
from autostart
using terminal/command line. Most likely it has been stored in '~/.config/autostart' directory. E.g.
:~$ ls -1 ~/.config/autostart
After you have identified proper .desktop
file you can remove it using rm <file>
command. E.g.
:~$ rm ~/.config/autostart/cairo-dock.desktop
Since then restart UM.
Good luck!
Thank you so much to tkn and ugnvs, problem fixed.
Actually was not enough to remove compiz from autostart folder.
As the problem was picom I simply removed it and everything is fine now.
Thank you again.
Just out of curiosity, what version of compiz are you using? Reloaded? ++? 9?