I manually installed a bunch of fonts in my /usr/share/fonts/truetype folder (windows 10 fonts- I actually copied them from my work PC)
I followed instructions from WebUpd8 on installing fonts, and ended with the command:
sudo fc-cache -f -v
Now, when I open LibreOffice Calc, it shows the fonts, but the WebDings and WingDings fonts, while showing in the drop down list (and showing their symbols to the right in the list) only show as squares (unrecognized font).
this worked fine prior to upgrading from 16.04 to 16.10.
Any ideas on how to fix?
I’m researching this and testing. Wingdings work in Gimp and Inkscape, for example, but not in Libreoffice (from PPA). I have 16.04.2 LTS.
In the meanwhile, could you test something for me?
- There’s a test file in this bug report (the 1st attachment). Open it in LibreOffice. Do you see symbols or just squares?
- Can you insert individual symbols via Insert -> Special character in LibreOffice?
So here is what I get -
When I open this in LibreOffice, I get blank space, checkmark, white right arrown on black circle background, and a circled 1
if I type anything in the wingdings font, I get the unrecognized symbol square
If I insert individual symbol via insert - i get the symbol (didn’t test every symbol - but tested the ones I typed)
Ok, those were the results I got as well, before steps listed below.
I managed to fix things on my main machine (Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2, LibreOffice , thanks to a tip in this post at StackOverflow.
- Go to fontconverter and upload your wingding.ttf.
- You get back a zip file, extract the converted wingding.ttf. from it (original-wingding.ttf is in the zip file too, as a backup).
- Replace wingding.ttf in your Windows fonts directory with the new, converted one.
- Do the same with webdings.ttf.
- Update font cache (fc-cache -fv;sudo fc-cache -fv).
- Test in LibreOffice.
For some reason the converted fonts didn’t fix things on my laptop, which has Linux Mint (16.04.2 LTS based) and the same LibreOffice version. I got webdings working but not wingdings. Will have to take a fresh look in the morning.
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That did solve the problem!!! Thanks for your help, once again!!!
Good to hear it worked!
I got it fixed on Linux Mint as well; had a duplicate font (wingdings) somewhere. Removed the other, non-converted one and voilá! The only weird thing is that in the font dropdown (on Mint) it now shows only the preview, not the font name in front of it. But it works, so…