Program stays minimized with toast

I don’t know if this is common behavior but I have multiple desktops and when I try and open a file if the program that would be used to open the file is already open and minimized the program will not restore but will stay minimized and its item on the panel will just flash orange. Then when I click on the program to restore it if the program was minimized on another desktop I have to find the correct desktop for it to allow me to restore the window. How do I change this behavior? I just want to click on a file and have the file open in the program. I’m fine with the program being brought to my current desktop or with being automatically switched to the correct desktop.

Sorry but everyone’s gotta be wondering so I might as well ask:

What’s “toast”?

Anyway, can’t reproduce this behavior you’re describing under Marco+Compton as WM option.
When I click on the flashing icon, I’m switched to the correct workspace.

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