ProjectM font dependency solution

:ubuntu_mate: Applies to Ubuntu MATE 19.10 and older.

:ubuntu_mate: Preface

For users wanting to install ProjectM as a visualizer for their desktop, there is a dependency issue in the present projectm-pulseaudio package still.

:wrench: Fixing it

To resolve it, after installing projectm-pulseaudio do the following;

:heavy_dollar_sign: In x-terminal-emulator:

sudo apt install ttf-dejavu-core

:install: You can also use your favourite package manager, just install ttf-dejavu-core alongside projectm-pulseaudio.

That will install the DejaVu core font set, which will keep projectM-pulseaudio via projectm-pulseaudio from acting stupid.

This might be resolved at a later date, please post if the dependency issue has been resolved so this thread can be binned.

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Hi tiox

I don’t think you will find a following here for ProjectM and you have provided a solution. I think your better off contacting the maintainer.

Moved to Tried&Tested.

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Well, there was limited information about the problem so I figured I would come up with a solution. I forgot to accredit the source where I figured it out at but it was soe chap on the Ubuntu forum who figured it out.

Also, I’m surely not the only one who uses projectM as a fun sound-activated “Wallpaper” of sorts… right?

Maybe not? Tell us more?

There use to be this thing that was awesome called gdevilspie that would let you take any window regardless of the manager used and specify how that window appeared. Shame last I looked it refuses to run and function well if you do manage to get it working in 15.xx onward.

Though, being a Compiz fanboy (I admit I am a bit of a fanatic) I can just use Window Rules in ccsm for the same purpose, and I have the rules as followed; below, sticky, non-movable, no RGBA, skip taskbar, skip pager

Works pretty well. Might write something about it later.

Worked for me (ubuntu 17.10:slight_smile:)