PSA: make Firefox session restore go easy on your SSDs

As reported in this article Firefox (and also Chrome, Spotify and possibly other apps) have the habit of doing an insane amount of cumulative disk writes over time (just leaving the browser open with several tabs open for a day can result in multiple GB of disk writes).

To avoid wearing out an SSD, at least for Firefox there is an easy workaround:
Enter about:config in the URL bar, then find browser.sessionstore.interval and change it from the default (15000 msec) to a much higher value.
I set it to 86400000 (one day in msec), as I don’t really need the session restore feature much anyway - if you experience frequent browser crashes better choose a lower value, but definitely much higher than 15 seconds.

I hope there will be a solution for Chrome and other applications as well.


Thanks. I heard about this on Security Now also, with Steve Gibson.

The Spotify desktop app has been fixed in version 1.0.42.

Still no solution for Chome/Chromium, apparently this was reported years ago already.

Any way you could move the files that Chrome writes and have them be written to a hard disk via ln to the destination Chrome writes these files to?

Judging from the bug report I think the offending folder to be moved should be ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Session\ Storage/ or ~/.config/chromium/Default/Session\ Storage/ respectively.
Edit: also the following files seem to be related:
~/.config/chromium/Default/Current Session, ~/.config/chromium/Default/Current Tabs, ~/.config/chromium/Default/Last Session, ~/.config/chromium/Default/Last Tabs