QT Lightscribe Install Error

I’m trying to install QT Lightscribe Beta a Lightscribe Disc creating program on MATE 16.04 64-bit and when I click on the install program it runs package installer and gets an error message

Error: Dependency is not satisfiable ia32-libs (>=2.4)

the file name for the program is


So I assume this means it’s a 64-bit program so it’s not like I’m trying to install a 32-bit program on a 64-bit version of Linux I’m installing a 64-bit program on a 64-bit Linux.

How can I fix this problem or can I fix it or is it too old to run on MATE 16.04?
I have installed the Lightscribe support drivers and other programs work with my Lightscribe Drive but I want to use this program because it has more features the the simple label program and is faster the the Lacie Lightscribe Labeler because you don’t have to find a image file to burn a photo image on the disc and can just burn simple text on it which take a lot less time.


You did it from the command line it seems, then after installing it, try:

sudo apt-get install -f

to satisfy all dependencies.

You can also download a .deb package from here if you don’t have any other luck!:


No I clicked on the Icon in the folder I downloaded it to. I don’t know how to install these kind of programs from a terminal if I type the name of the file it says command not found.

I loaded the 0.16.tar and found this is a source package. This means you would have to compile it. The read me file…

`Qt lightScribe Installaton instructions

To compile qlscribe succesfully you may need additional packages installed.

So for Ubuntu folowing packages are required:

For 64 bit Ubuntu you need also to install folowing packages:
libc6-dev-i386 (maverick only, see notes)

(Note: this will work for maverick (10.10) version, for lucid and karmic 
 /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.5 is missing in ia32-libs so you would have to 
 find it see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/431091 )
(Note: On 64 bit if you get "undefined reference std::_Rb_tree_increment..." link error it is
 possible that link /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so points to /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.5... change it
 so it points /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6...)

For 64 bit Ubuntu libdbus-1-dev does not have link for i386 libdbus-1.so you may need to create one manually:
sudo ln -s libdbus-1.so.3 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdbus-1.so

To compile and install, first download release from http://qlscribe.sourceforge.net/
or check out project from subversion repository for particular release:

 svn co https://qlscribe.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/qlscribe/tags/release-N.M qlscribe

or if you want to test latest development version:

 svn co https://qlscribe.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/qlscribe/trunk qlscribe

Then go to the source directory and type:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

(If you want to install in a different path, use instead:
cmake … -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/install/path)
sudo make install

If cmake fails to find lightScribe API specify environment variable LIGHTSCRIBEDIR:

LIGHTSCRIBEDIR=/opt/lightscribe cmake ..

Include files should be in ${LIGHTSCRIBEDIR}/include and lib in ${LIGHTSCRIBEDIR}/lib

You need manually install dbus config and service files. They are located in INSTALL_PATH/share/qlscribe
So on my ubuntu system I do
sudo cp /usr/local/share/qlscribe/lightscribe.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d/
sudo cp /usr/local/share/qlscribe/org.lightscribe.printManager.service /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/
sudo /etc/init.d/dbus reload

Your system may have different path please refer dbus system daemon documentation

You need to download lightScribe SDK for qlscribe to build and lightScribe runtime
for qlscribe to run. For details see lightScribe webpage`

Its old and needs some hacks done to it, if possible. You will have to put some time and effort into it and see if it works after. To me it would not be worth it, but thats me :slight_smile:

I also think it is not worth the compiling but I found a .deb on Sourceforge.


The way to install it graphically would be with gdebi. Download the file (file extension is .deb, not .tar.gz for your architecture) and right click on it, install it.
But, now I see it is for Ubuntu 10.10, sounds quite old.

Ok I loaded the wrong one (better to give a link in the future). And as already stated, it needs ia32-libs.


As I recall, those libs have been replaced in multiarch support. I think the Lightscribe goose is cooked :frowning: