Quadrants aren't working in 17.04

Not sure if this is a bug or not…

Using Cupertino layout w/ plank on the left. When I open Caja, and then use the quadrant feature (Ctrl-Alt-KeyPd#) and move it, whenever I click in it, it jumps to the upper left quadrant.

So, if I use CA3 and move it to the lower right, if I click an item in caja window, it jumps to the upper left corner. Also, things like terminal used to resize. If I hit Ctrl-Alt-T and open a terminal, and then use a quadrant short-cut, it moves it to the proper quadrant, but it doesn’t resize it.

Similar issue with LibreOffice - if I use 4 or 6 to move it to the left or right half of the screen, if I use 1, 3, 5, 7 it won’t reshrink it down to a quadrant - it stays half the screen width.