Quakespasm - missing libraries?


I tried running 'Quakespasm' (x64) - or 'Quakespasm Spiked' (x64) - software on 'Ubuntu MATE' (20.04.1), albeit have encountered an issue. Namely, the software would launch, the console outputs no errors, I can hear the audio and controls working, but the display is a crash. I do have SDL, versions '1.2' and '2'.

For the note, I had been using 'amdgpu' drivers, downloaded from the 'AMD' website. One of the latest kernel updates disrupted something with DKMS build, though, so I decided to withdraw the downloaded drivers and stick with default Linux option - the DKMS would attempt to rebuild with each minor update and that was rather annoying. The problem has begun to occur since my switch to default Ubuntu (20.04.1) setup. I assume the problem should be some missing libraries, related to display. Any ideas what could that be?

The problem applies both to the native Linux version of the port, as well as to the WINE case of Windows (x64) version.