Random "Dummy Output" killing audio

That makes sense to me, and thankfully seems much less complex while possibly also adding new issues or further obscuring this one. On a related note, despite several long sessions with all the apps that had seemed possibly involved in the Dummy showing up, not a single recurrence since my last post. Including several sessions that ran overnight, finished in the wee hours, and ended with the PC automatically going to sleep - in short, the factors that have most often led to a Dummy appearance. So perplexing! Hope lives, that somehow the issue is solved. Maybe a change in one of the apps, in one of the several recent UbuM updates, or who knows ... space weather??


Update: It's back. :expressionless:
I hope it does get found and fixed eventually, but with how random and still mercifully somewhat rare it is doing dmsg before and after each of the many times I use those apps...
Plus how fast this puppy boots UbuM...
I have given up.
If I ever do start having it often I will indeed try to collect & share diag info.
Meanwhile I'm overflowing with appreciation for the help and ideas.

Okay then... :slight_smile:

Let's start with the basics. Open a terminal (Ctrl-Alt_T) and run inxi -c0 -v4 in it. Paste all the output from that in here.

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Wow, it's been quite a while since you suggested that, arQon!

I've given up, especially since the issue's still happening after my upgrade to 22.04.1 LTS, 22.04.1 LTS, 22.04.1 LTS. I'm glad it happens relatively rarely and is easily fixed. Especially since this topic has only 919 views since started Aug '21. I'm glad, actually, because to me that means almost none of the countless UbuM users are plagued by this and any who are probably have relatively new (i.e. fast-booting) PCs. Makes perfect sense to me that core developers haven't responded, given all the person-hours required for more common issues not to mention upgrades and new features. Maybe eventually someone with the genius to find and fix it, will have the issue themselves. Meanwhile, savoring all the helpful tips and encouragement, I give up.

sorry you were unsuccessful in figuring out the cause. It must be maddening!

Um... Yes. :smirk:
UbuM gods have noticed my surrender to the occasional Dummy, and now it's happening more often and without using what had been the only apps that apparently triggered it. The last few days, if I leave Firefox open and Suspend, the Dummy greets my return.

So now I'm looking for how to repair (presumably restart?) audio w/o reboot. Pointers anyone?

To start, I've used Terminal to glean what I can about settings while the audio's working and copy/pasted the output into a text file I can try comparing when the Dummy shows up again. I'm not going looking for it, but am confident my having done this first clumsy step will just make it wait for an inopportune moment.

FWIW, this latest manifestation seems to have shown up after a recent Software Updater security fix. I'm not feeling more secure from the Dummy, but hopefully from the evil empire of invaders.

This is kind of a late comment, but I noticed something weird happened when I upgraded my Debian system to use Linux kernel 6.0.0 (I had been using a version in the 5.15 series).

I still don't have PulseAudio installed (I don't need it, that's all). But periodically, when I suspend the 6.0.0 system, when I come out of suspend I can't hear any audio (or occasionally it comes out sounding extremely faint).

I haven't found any consistent factor that always causes this problem to happen -- for me too, it's a rare issue -- but I have noticed that the chances of this occuring are elevated if I switch my headphones from the front audio jack on the computer to the back, at least when I do so while the computer's suspended. I don't know why this is the case. I doubt it's terribly similar to your issue with HDMI audio, especially since I doubt you switch HDMI ports while the system is suspended.

For me anyway, when I get into such a jam, the following series of commands works for me. I condensed it into a one-liner for compactness. All it does is unloads the sound-related kernel drivers that are currently loaded, and then reloads each of them one-by-one:

echo; \
SOUND_MODULES=$(lsmod | cut -d\  -f1 | grep -E '^snd_'); \
if [ -z "$SOUND_MODULES" ]; then \
echo -e 'Oddly, you do not seem to have any sound drivers loaded!  This might be a problem for playing back sound...\n'; \
else \
echo -e "Unloading all sound card drivers...\n"; \
sudo rmmod ${SOUND_MODULES}; \
echo -e "Pausing for 5 seconds to allow applications to notice that the sound drivers were unloaded...\n"; \
sleep 5; \
echo -e "Reloading all sound card drivers...\n"; \
sudo modprobe -a ${SOUND_MODULES}; \
echo -e 'Done!  Does the sound work now?\n'; \

It works for me every time. It seems that the sound drivers sometimes get confused when the computer comes out of suspend. I have a hunch that this could be more of a problem on multi-core machines (how many cores did you say this thing had?). It's common for program bugs to lead to one core doing something with hardware in general while some other core does something else to the same hardware at the same time; this leads to a so-called race condition, and the problem is a concurrency issue.

Try out this loading-and-unloading workaround the next time the problem rears its ugly head. If this command chain works, great -- we're one step closer to tracking down this darned problem and sending it back to where it came from: the deep, dark place where bugs live. :slight_smile:


Interesting idea. Thanks for sharing it. In the months since checking in here, I've discovered that The Issue happens most often when the pc sleeps for an extended period (possibly auto-sleep) after using the Handbrake app. So lately I've simply been rebooting after finishing with that app. Even with this "slow" Costco PC and its "slow" nvme system drive, it boots in about 20 seconds. I figure that's likely to clean up any other sneaky bugs that have crept in (keep in mind I'm old enough to have survived the days when no consumer grade computer would go a full day w/o reboot). Anyway, I'm now on to a new problem and about to post a request on that one. :upside_down_face:

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