I stumbled across Ubuntu MATE when looking for a Linux OS for a RPi2 and ended up using MATE on my laptop too as I thought it was so well made! Thanks to all those involved…
I wondered if I could make a request? Would it be possible to have a RPi section of the forum to collate all the posts on that topic for those just interested in installing MATE on a RPi?
+1! It would be very helpful for separating discussions for different architectures, since the desktop may support packages not available on the Pi and vice versa.
Possibly to add a section for PowerPC too?
PS. Your request would be ideal in the Meta sub-category. (You can change this by editing the first post)
Would this help? Stumbled across it in the Gen section:
I have been trying to do GPIO programming on Ubuntu Mate for the Raspberry Pi. It fails, and after much reading I have found the kernel needs to be compiled with CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM set to false. Would it be possible to make this the default for future kernels? Being able to add third party devices and build things using the GPIO pins is one of the big attractions for the Raspberry Pi.
Thanks, that is very helpful. It sounds like I need to wait until the next version of Ubuntu-Mate with CONFIG set to false. I guess I will go back to Raspian until they have the GPIO pins controllable.