RaspberryPi2 first boot: It doesn't

Raspberry Pi 2 and new Sandisk MicroSD 32GB Card. Downloaded Pi version of 16.04 MATE. Installed image per directions using Gnome Disk Utility. No issues with checksum or during writing the image.

Went for first boot. Pi logo comes up at the top. Starts to boot as normal and output messages like Raspbian does while booting (Great) but then suddenly hangs indefinitely (oh no) outputting “nonblocking pool initialized”

Ideas on what I should look at??

How did you create the card? Did it come from a reputable supplier? I
tried Disks and Gparted to prepare and load SD cards for my RPis, and
initially had quite a lot of frustration (random card failures). I have
recently come use the GUI apps to do the just the preparation and to
rely on the CLI to do the last step of loading the card and it is much
more reliable. eg

sudo dd bs=4M

I was initially very cautious about accidentally formating the wrong
drive using the CLI, but using the GUI to identify the path to the card,
its size etc gives confidence in the CLI parameters eg /dev/sdd above
