Re-creating the classical ubuntu orange theme

As I really like the classical Ubuntu orange theme, I am trying to recreate it. I want orange icons, selections, everything. I am nearly there, except for one thing - the progres bar in e.g. the Transmission torrent client, or the progres bar that appears when checking language availability in the Controlor Center, looks like this currently:

[as new new user, I cannot upload an image]

Put shortly, there is still a tiny green bar in the middle of the orange progress bar.

I have tried to go through all the .css files in the theme directory, copied assets from another ubuntu theme, however I cannot yet find where the problem is.

I will appreciate any help with this.

I believe it’s a MATE Bug, something to do with GTK 3 themed apps since I have the same problem too. I recall this bug should be fixed in newer versions of Ubuntu MATE when GTK 3 is fully supported?

Are you modifying the theme from /usr/share/themes?

Yeah :slight_smile: Actually I got inspired by this answer of yours

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Might be a silly question?, have you tried using the onboard theme preferences tool?:

My selected items color is set to the orange one, so I don’t think this is not the problem

IMHO, the problem could be caused by the @base_color. But I can’t find where they define this color…

I found another trace of green that my other post didn't touch upon:


(Under gtk-color-scheme)

(Nope, this doesn't "fix" it... :frowning: )

@base_color seems to be defined as purely white (#ffffff):

./gtk-3.0/gtk-main.css: @define-color base_color #ffffff;
./gtk-3.0/public-colors.css: @define-color theme_base_color @base_color;
./gtk-3.0/public-colors.css: @define-color insensitive_base_color @base_color;
./gtk-3.0/public-colors.css: @define-color theme_unfocused_base_color @base_color;

:bulb: Tip! Get the terminal to search through the files for you:

grep -r 'text_to_find' /path/to/files

So, I don't really know where the green is still coming from. I have a mix match of programs being green and most others orange:

Caja (I think is GTK 2) has orange buttons/outlines:

zenity --question and many other programs (again, might just be GTK 3 ones?) stay green:

Ah, sorry, I was searching for @base_color, not base_color

I’ve changed the link color as well so for me everything is nicely orange except for the progressbars…

See my answer on Askubuntu, I think it solves your problem.

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