Re-Partition an internal 960GB SSD from 1 to 2 partitions with Ext4

Using 'Disks [hopefully] how do I Re-Partition an internal 960GB SSD from 1 to 2 partisans for Ext4. [DATA]
Gparted does not list any patrician type I recognize for ext.

First of all, if you're looking for a way to format "patricians" or "partisans" with Ext4, you should realize that only partitions can be formatted... :grin:

That said, let's start with basics.

NOTE: Numbers may not add up in the screenshots below since I didn't actually repartition my disk.

You resize the first (and currently only) partition to make space for the second partition:

You choose the new size of the (one) partition, or alternatively you select how much free space you want allocatable to the second partition:

When that process is done, click on the newly-procured free space on the right, and click the "Add Partition" button:

By default, Disks will use all of the available free space on the right (or as much as possible), and you can just continue to the next page:

Now, in the next screen, be sure to select the "Ext4" option! It appears you also must specify a volume label for Ext4 partitions, or otherwise Disks will not format the partition (don't ask me why there's such a limitation):

Click "Next", and pretty soon (usually seconds or a minute), you'll have a second partition formatted as Ext4.

I hope that helps.

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This is the most detailed and full-featured answer to a question I have ever seen. Better than the official Ubuntu Mate guide. :ok_hand:t2::+1:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Many thanks Gordon. I just needed direction and the procedure was familiar. They say we revert to childhood eventually. Thanks for spoon-feeding the basics. I appreciate the help.

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