I have a weird issue with my sd cards that couldn’t solve. I have an raspberry pi 3 with ubuntu mate 16.04 LTS running. There are other sd cards that i am playing like installing other OS. I can format and install anything in Windows 10. However, sd cards are mounted to ubuntu with read only state and what ever i tried i can’t change that. I have the same situation with Lubuntu and Xubuntu OSes.
I can format and wrote img files through Win32ImageWriter tool ,n Windows 10. But i can not format the same sd card through gparted since it is mounted as read-only. Here is a screenshot;
The partition needs to be unmounted first before changes can be written.
You can do this by right clicking the partition and choosing Unmount, or using another utility like Disks (but not ejecting, this is not the same as unmounting)
Hmm, try creating a new partition table for this media. This will clear out all partitioning information and erase all partitions, ready to partition from scratch.
It’s under Device → Create Partition Table…. The default is a master boot record (MBR), which is the type msdos.
Thanks for the answers. I was attaching the sdcard with usbstick which mounts as read only. Today i bought sdcard reader and mounts normal (read-write). Its very strage.